Saturday 9 March 2013

Ask, Believe, Receive!

Throughout my life I searched about the things which could help me in success and to lead a life of my dreams. The most fascinating result of such curiosity was the revelation of the law of attraction!
Napolean Hill, The Legend, invented and promoted the law of attraction by interviewing and observing dozens of World's richest men of his time. His research was astonishing and amazing. The law of attraction was all the result of big dreams and unwavering faith to make them come true.
Infact we are:
                 'The masters of our own fate, captains of our own soul'
The law of attrraction has three steps or requirements:
1. Ask
2. Believe
3. Receive
In order to have what we want, we must decide and establish what we really want badly with a burning desire. After the decision just live the dream as if it has already happened. Of course live it, enjoy it, pour your emotions into it!
After that believe in what you have dreamt of. No matter how tough the going is, how disappointing the circumstances are, just keep believing and make preparations to receive. It is belief actually that works.
In the end just receive the fruit of your unwavering and strong belief.
It all can happen if done with faith, hardwork and consistency. So keep your dreams alive no matter how big they are. Always dream big. Best of luck

Friday 8 March 2013

A winning attitude

A winning attitude is the most fruitful attribute for every individual who enjoys the flavors of winning. In a sense winning becomes a habit of such individual. He wins like he is always ready to receive it. When a winning attitude is obtained, winning becomes the 2nd nature of Mr. Attitude!
The question arises that how can an individual build and develop a winning attitude?
The answer is quite simple and straightforward!
An individual, by changing his responses to the circumstances and the outcomes of the events, can develop a winning attitude. Temporary setbacks and failures should not be treated as permanent.
As Napolean said: 'Victory belongs to the most persevering'.
After every setback, the person should stand up and start working again till he gets what he wants badly. There is no shortcut for success. In order to win we need to go through the process and go through well by working hard and smart. If we keep our focus on the task and slowly and consistently march towards it then success is bound to come! So keep going and grab what you want! Best of luck.


In life discipline has a place of an utmost importance! Without discipline we can never achieve anything worthwhile in this world. Discipline improves our ways of living and enables us to get something better and reap maximum benefits within a minimum time and with an increased efficiency.
Out of all the disciplines, discipline of the mind is the most important. As brain controls all the functions of the body, so without a disciplined brain we cannot achieve anything worthwile. A disciplined mind lets us focus on our goals and requirements and allows us to accomplish them according to the plans!

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Enjoy Life

Life is given only once. Time is short. Don't waste it in hate and regret. spread love and receive back manifold. Enjoy life as much as you can before everything gets over!


It is believed that a positive attitude is a must to prosper in life. A right attitude brings about the right responses and decisions. So the person, with a right attitude, always gets benefit of the situations and circumstances. Imagine how much you can gain if you know how to exploit the situations, circustances and opportunities which are always around you and waiting for you to think and reflect! To grab all the opportunities and to make the most of them you just need one essential ingredient and that is A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.


I love this quote by Henry Ford, ”Whether you think you can, or think you can't …you're right.”
Think and reflect!